Plain markdown


Here is some Latex: 1ex\frac{1}{e-x}.

The Latex will show properly in the "plain" markdown page, and the "imported". However, in the "remote" version, it throws an error - Error: e is not defined - and the page doesn't show. I have no idea why this only happens when using "next-mdx-remote".


Single string ^1 and longer string footnotes behave differently.

Any singleString footnotes will successfully create a footnote reference^2. The first two footnotes create a link, as will this one. ^3 This will link to a page domain/singleString.

This is very much not the expected behaviour. I expect a footnote to create the footnote string at the bottom of the page, with a clickable link between those two locations.

However, as soon as I insert a longer footnote [^4], all footnotes stop working at all. Even subsequent single string footnotes [^5] stop working. Subsequent longer strings [^6] have no hope. They're just treated as plain text.

If the first footnote is a long string, no footnotes will work

[^4]: a longer test footnote [^5]: AFailedSingleString [^6]: Another long footnote